Fountain Valley Plant Future Construction

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OC San’s Treatment Plant No. 1 is located in Fountain Valley adjacent to the Santa Ana River and the I-405 southbound ramps at Euclid Avenue.



  • Activated Sludge Aeration Basin and Blower Rehabilitation at Plant No. 1 (2027)
  • Primary Sedimentation Basins Replacement (2027)

Activated Sludge Aeration Basin and Blower Rehabilitation at Plant No. 1

Background:  Built in the early 1970s, the Activated Sludge facility is nearing the end of its useful life. A major rehabilitation will ensure reliable service for the next 20 plus years.

Project Description: This project will perform a comprehensive rehabilitation of the Activated Sludge facility.

Construction is anticipated to begin 2027 and take approximately six years to complete.

Primary Sedimentation Basins Replacement

Background:  Primary clarifiers, or primary sedimentation basins, are used to reduce suspended solids to the secondary treatment processes.

Project Description: This project will replace three of the oldest primary clarifiers located at Plant No. 1 in Fountain Valley. All associated facilities including distribution boxes, junction boxes, primary influent and effluent lines, structural, mechanical, and electrical systems.

Construction is anticipated to begin 2027 and take approximately four years to complete.

Project Map

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